AZ Flattrack Racing


Starting Positions (Heat Races)
Classes with 5 or less – by closing of sign in.

Everyone on the front row, as track conditions permit. Position is based on sign in order.

Classes of 6 or more – by closing of sign in - Random draw by officials.

PRO Class - by closing of sign in - random draw by officials.

ALL starting positions will be posted prior to start of race.

(Any late sign ins will get the last available position without the benefit of the draw)

Starting Positions  (Main Events)

Determined by the Heat race finishes and will be posted prior to the Mains.


Pay attention to the red digital number display in the staging area in order to know what group/race is up next.

For Hot Laps, make sure that you have your Hot Lap group # sticker on your front number plate.
Each racer should be in the staging area, prior to the completion of the race that runs before them, so that the Staging Coordinator can make sure that they are in the proper race and know their starting position.

When released from the staging are area for Hot Laps, cautiously enter the track and then build up to your Hot Lap speeds.

Do NOT stop at the starting line.

When released from the staging area for a race, the track should be treated as if under a YELLOW Flag condition and each racer will quickly proceed, with caution, to the starting line and come to a stop in their assigned starting position.
There will be two regular starting lines to accommodate a maximum of 12 riders with 6 bikes per line.

Based upon track conditions and available space, the Starter Flagman, or assistant, will determine the pole position for the first racer to line up on. EACH racer should know their starting position and line up in the proper position as per the posted starting positions. Other racers, lining up accordingly, will be considerate not to take too much space or crowd a competitor.

Any racer not on the starting line in a timely manner, will, at the discretion of the Starter, start from the last available position.

Racers will line up with the front edge of their front tire behind the line and must remain stationary before the green flag / light is displayed. 
If a rider is having a mechanical difficulty before the start or restart of a race, they or a member of their crew will raise one hand in the air to get the attention of the Starter.  
If the Starter acknowledges the signal, that rider may be allowed a maximum of two minutes to make repairs before the race will be started.

Subject to Track Officials discretion, any rider not present at the starting line, for the original start, may not start in any subsequent restarts of that race.  

Dependent upon the circumstances at the time, Flags and/or Lights may be used at the starting line. Know how to start under both circumstances.

Once riders are lined up at the start line, the Starter will step to a marked off area and will have up to 
approximately 5 seconds to wave the green flag.

If the Starter steps out/off of the designated area before throwing the green flag,
it’s an indication that something is wrong, and the start has been delayed or aborted.

When the Starter Flagman decides all is well, he will go back to the designated area.
Do not move your machine until the green flag waves.

When the green flag waves you must leave the start line.
If for some reason you cannot start, you must immediately move your motorcycle to the track infield.

If you fail to do so, you can be penalized at the discretion of Track Officials.

The RED light will be on while bikes are lining up.

Once riders are lined up at the start line, the Starter will step off the track and operate the starting light.

The light will change from red to yellow to green light in a rapid manner.

If prior to the green light the Starter walks away from the starting area, it’s an indication that something is wrong,

and the start has been delayed or aborted.

When the Starter decides that all is well, he will step back off of the track, and resume the starting proceedure.
Do not move your machine until the green light is on.

When the green light is displayed you must leave the start line.
If for some reason you cannot start, you must immediately move your motorcycle to the track infield.

If you fail to do so, you can be penalized at the discretion of Track Officials.

Jumping the start, (prematurely crossing the starting line in anticipation of the green) will be the decision of the Starter 
and may result in you being moved to a penalty line. 

This is not open for discussion, debate or complaint.

The penalty line will be located behind all other competitors. 
If only the front row is being used, it will be the second row.

If both the front and second rows are being used, it will be located behind the second row.
On the penalty line, you will take the same position on that line that you originally had. 

Once placed on the penalty row, you will not be allowed to return to your original starting line position during that race.

A second jumped start by the same rider may result in an additional penalty.
A third jumped start by the same rider may result in that rider being disqualified from that race.

If at the discretion of the Starter, a start is to be aborted, or any rider falls before the lead rider completes the first lap, 
there will be a restart indicated by the displaying of the red flag / light by the Starter.

All riders are to slowly and cautiously return to and stop before the starting line.
All riders will go back to the starting positions that they had when the race started.
If a rider had been penalized for jumping the start, they will return to their penalized position, unless an additional penalty is mandated.

The rider who fell or was otherwise judged to be the cause of the restart will be penalized by having to start from a penalty line. 

The restart position for this rider must be at least one line back from where that rider was positioned for the previous start. Riders who, in the judgment of the starter or referee, fell as the result of an action by another rider, or to avoid another rider who was already down, will not be penalized.

Once an action occurs that is determined by the Starter to be the reason for a restart, an independent fall by another rider is not cause for a penalty to that rider. However, if a rider forces another down or off of the track after the initial cause for a restart, the starter reserves the right to penalize that rider for endangering others.

After the completion of the first lap by the lead rider, the track may go into a red condition if it is judged by the Starter or other Track Official, that there is a dangerous situation on the track that requires the race to be stopped. Such as, something on the track, weather, the need for medical attention for a hurt rider, or a section of the track is blocked and racing cannot continue in a safe manner.

If a restart is required any time after the completion of the first lap by the lead rider, there will be, at the discretion of the Starter, a staggered restart.

The lead rider lines up on the inside of the racing groove. The next rider will start behind in a staggered pattern to the outside of the lead rider. This same pattern will be followed by all. The offset distance will be approximately three feet square. The front of a rider’s front tire must be at least three feet behind the back of the back edge of the rear tire of the rider in front and three feet over.

Jumping the start will result in being moved to the back of the line.​